Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Forced Marriages

     In plenty of countries all over the world, forced marriages are just part of tradition. The parents of the girls pick out their daughters husbands and arrange the marriages. In countries like Bangladesh, Niger, Chad, Mali, parts of Africa, and parts of Asia, forced marriages are just like marriages in any other country.Most the girls that are forced into marriages are married by the age of 18 depending on the country you are from and live in.
     Sometimes if the girls choose not to go through with the marriages, they are disowned by their families and they are forced to pay their parents back the money for the wedding that never happened.
     Usually younger the girls marry there is a higher chance of them being taken advantage of by their husbands because they will be more forgiving to what their husbands do including: mental abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, or sexual abuse.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Child Labor

     Child labor is when children are forced to work by their guardian or parent. That can include begging on the streets to make money to bring home or they can be kept in a house all day and forced to be a servant. The work that the children do doesn't have to be considered bad, it is the hours that the children work and the fact that most of the time the children don't go to school which prevents the child from getting an education. Some child labor is worse than others. Some people might say who cares it is still child labor and it is wrong, i do agree, but some children have it worse than others. The worst type of child labor is when the children have to work in factories. They are forced to work around dangerous machines that can give them life long injuries, or they have to carry heavy items that can hurt the development of muscles.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Human Trafficking

     Human Trafficking can be forced labor, forced prostitution, forced marriage, and the transportation of people from one place to another so that they can be forced into work. Around the world there are millions of people that are forced into trafficking. They are forced to work in fields, factories, and to beg on the street for money to take back to their owners. A lot of the time if people try to escape they will be beaten or even killed. Sometimes the owners of the slaves use threats to keep their slaves scared enough to not want to escape.

       A 9-year-old girl toils under the hot sun, making bricks from morning to night, seven days a week. She was trafficked with her entire family from Bihar, one of the poorest and most underdeveloped states in India, and sold to the owner of a brick-making factory. With no means of escape, and unable to speak the local language, the family is isolated and lives in terrible conditions. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Slavery Happens More Than You Think

There have been many cases of children being sold as slaves. One case is the cases of a five year old boy who was sold by his mom to a couple.

Another case can be a young lady named Malis who was a laborer who worked on a farm. She was abused by her parents.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Would You Want This To Be You

If you wouldn't want your child family members working this hard, what makes you think that it is fine for other peoples children to work this hard.
I couldn't imagine working as hard as these children. They are strong because they are able to do this everyday and still survive without probably getting sick.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Types of Slavery

             There is different types of modern day slavery. examples can be: forcing women and girls to marry men that they don't want to, slavery by descent, trafficking, and maybe worst of all child labor.
             Forcing women and girls to marry men that they don't want to marry can be considered slavery.  Once the girls marry the men, their husbands can force them to do anything that they don't want to do, making them their husbands slave. Sometimes people are born into slavery because their parents are slaves and once they become of age they take on their parents jobs as slaves. Child labor is the same as regular slavery but may be worse because children are smaller and can most likely catch diseases faster than somebody with a bigger immune system. Trafficking is also slavery because men, women, and children are being transported like items instead of people.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

This doesn't have to be

If we all work together, we can end modern day slavery soon!!!

How would you feel working against your will and then not getting rewarded for it?
I would feel not worthy and useed; well most people would.

What is modern day slavery?

Modern day slavery is when people are not treated with rights and work without any pay. It is the same as slavery before, but the only difference is that it is going on today.